Welcome to Repairs Rock Web Site!
My name is Bucky Gelo. I've been repairing stringed instruments since 1975. I worked for a large music store in Norfolk, Va at the time, and they had no repair tech. other than the amp guys, who sat back in there shop, with headphones on, staring into their oscilloscopes, and made low pitched gutteral noises every once in a while. I was selling instruments and what-not, and the store's credit manager at the time. Most of the guitars we had in stock, were in great need of setting up, before they could be auditioned and sold. I started with that, and went on from there. It was a high volume store, and it was soon evident that a fair amount of customers were in need of repairs. Some guys were playing out with these guitars having the electronic guts hanging right out of the instruments! As long as sound came out, they used them. Amazing. I began offering to make minor repairs, and found a new market for the store. Although I was (and still am) a little skinny guy, somehow, I acquired the nick-name "Big Buck" and customers were coming in, asking for Big Buck to fix their broken ax. About the same time, after-market companies such as DiMarzio Pickups sprung up and guys wanted to start customizing their Strats, and Les Pauls, and Teles. I saw my fair share of hack jobs, and started offering the service myself. I've been fixing guitars ever since.
Set Up: My set up includes, fretboard cleaning, nut adjustment, neck adjustment, bridge or saddle height and intonation adjustment, tightening up any loose hardware, new strings, and a good cleaning. Basic Set Up runs $ 40.00 plus new strings and other sundry parts
I am located in beautiful upstate New York outside of Rochester. My service includes pickup and delivery.
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