You're at the gig and all set up but your guitar's dead in the water. One of your control pots has loosened up. You noticed it the last few times you played but ignored it. Now it's dead and you have no spare guitar. This might have been averted if you stayed on top of the situation. You don't need a box of fancy tools to keep your ax in working order. Things like the control pots, jack and other things come loose after a while. Here is a check list you can go over when you change your strings.
While the strings are off:
1. Check to see your tuners are tight. The tuners are secured to the headstock by one or two wood screws from the back and a nut/washer/bushing through the top. The nut comes loose from time to time. The common size nut driver or wrench is 10 mm for the nut. If you're very careful, you could use a pair of pliers but whatever you use, snug the nut tight.
2. Their is usually a small screw on the end or tip of the tuning button. If you could wiggle the tuning button it's time to tighten the screw. Don't tighten it as far as you can, just a little so the tuner doesn't wiggle.
3. While you're at it, take some 0000 steel wool and clean all the crud off the fingerboard and frets.
4. Now for the controls; Plug in, turn up, and wiggle the jack (just a little) If it crackles a lot it may be time to replace the jack. In any event, see if the nut holding the jack is not too loose it may be possible to tighten the jack, and the control pots from the top without having to get underneath. The trick is to snug all this down before it get so loose that it rotates round and breaks a wire.
5. Check the pickups and mounting rings. Sometimes they too loosen up and the pickup falls inside the pickguard or pops right out. I was in the middle of a gig in a pit band when I discovered one of the screws holding my pickup down had vibrated up. The pickup touched my G string and I could not play that string till the break or end of night when I could fix it.
6. Inspect your cords too; they all go bad sooner or later, even the Monster cables.
7. Got a battery in the ax? Musically speaking, a 9V battery is considered dead below 7V. If your guitar is quick change for the battery, carry spares. Some are not so easy to get to on the fly on stage.
Happy Picken!